BDAS Matches

Match Fixtures List for 2024-25

Contact our Match Secretary, (email address bdas-kent-enquiry[@] if you need more information about our club matches. Unless otherwise stated, best weight wins:

This year, could Members please read your bulletin, check Facebook or write to the Club Secretary, who will ensure you are on the email list of people to be contacted who would like to take part in the Club's competitions this year.

Date Venue Comments Draw Time Start Finish
Sunday 30th June ‘24 Scarletts Brass Hats (Committee only) 08:00 09:00 14:00
Sunday 14th July ‘24 Hunton Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00
Saturday 3rd August ‘24 Scarletts Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00
Sunday 18th August ‘24 Sevenoaks Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00
Saturday 14th September ‘24 Hunton Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00
Sunday 13th October ‘24 Oxenhoath Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00
Sunday 3rd November ‘24 Sevenoaks Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00
Saturday 14th December ‘24 Sevenoaks Christmas Competition 08:00 09:00 14:00
Sunday 26th January ‘25 Dingle Dell Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00
Sunday 23rd February ‘25 Oxenhoath Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00
Saturday 8th March ‘25 Scarletts Any method 08:00 09:00 14:00

The following rules apply to the annual Christmas match only:

  • • Two rods
  • • Tickets available for the prize draw prior to start - but you don't have to buy any, if you don't want to.
  • • Draw takes place at 8:00am
  • • Competition starts at 9:00am and finishes at 2:00pm .... or earlier if the weather is inclement or we all get fed-up
  • • Prize draw to follow
  • • We usually get a good turn out and the day is more social than anything else, not serious competition.
  • • All members welcome.
  • • This is held around Christmas time at which drinks and mince pies are provided.
  • • A draw/ raffle is held for prizes after the match. All monies raised, goes to a nominated charity.
  • • Adults and accompanied children are ALL welcome.
  • • This is a well attended event each year and is more a social occasion, than a serious match.

General information on matches occasionally held:

  • • UNLESS otherwise stated, all members can take part in the Match Competitions and all are welcome!
  • • NEW people to Match Angling - simply turn up on the day, prior to the draw time.
  • • The draw for each match usually takes place at 8:00am, but check the draw time against each entry.
  • • The whistle to start the fishing competition is usually blown at around 9:00 to 9:30am, but all competitors will be told.
  • • When matches are held at the lake in the 'River Darenth & Asso. lakes' venue, it is closed from midnight the night before until after the start of the match the following morning.
  • • Where 'booking in advance' is required, this is because the number of pegs available is limited. These matchs are open to all members.
  • • If you do have any queries, please contact the Club email address at bdas-kent-enquiry[@]